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Working from home? How houseplants impact productivity

Posted On: 15/12/2022

Greenery from the garden has been proven to improve mental well-being and aid in improving physical well-being. In addition to cleaning the air and helping you breathe easier the plants in your home office could help:

  • Help reduce stress
  • Increase creativity
  • Help reduce noise levels/distractions

Here are a few ways that plants can help you be more productive at the workstation in your home. This is why they are great gifts, as the staff of the Bouqs Co. may explain to you. The most appealing aspect is that you are able to purchase them on the internet to yourself or for a loved one who does work from home.

The best houseplants to boost productivity increase

1. Snake Plant

Also known as Sansevieria The snake plant is among the toughest houseplants that you can discover. They’re also not as demanding to maintain as other varieties and you can drink water directly with a water bottle. Smaller species such as Futura Superba Futura Superba are particularly great since they don’t get too high on your desk or in your cabinet.

2. Aloe

Aloe is another popular plant that is commonly found in workplaces, homes as well as commercial spaces. The great aspect about this plant is that you only have to water it every couple of weeks. The adorable patterns and shapes are simply stunning.

Take note that they perform better when they are located in a bright area or perhaps the side of a window.

3. The English Ivy

English Ivy is one of the top indoor plants that can help in improving the air quality and increasing humidity. It does well indoors with very little watering and attention. It also has the tendency to climb and you’ll need to control it at certain points by wrapping tendrils around things such as a wire obelisk, or Trellis.

It is a beautiful work of art that will boost your mood each time you see it. You can also opt for smaller versions like Pixie Dixie. Pixie Dixie to minimize the demands for maintenance.

4. Oxalis

It is also what you are familiar with as the wood sorrels. Its capacity to bloom is a fantastic choice for those who want to add some colour to your office with plants that live. Its varieties like the ‘Zinfandel’ can be an excellent option due to its stunning blooms and burgundy leaves when it flowers. Oxalis also needs plenty of sunshine to thrive.

When working from home, it can be stressful at times indoor plants create the feeling of calm in every room. Apart from enhancing your décor, they can provide you with a boost in your brain and boost your performance over time. You’re sure to find one that suits you and your office at home from the above list.



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