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New Year… New Job!?

Posted On: 05/01/2023

January tends to be a complete reset for most people as we all begin the return to work – and a career change can be at the top of the list for some.

But why is January the best time to look for a new role?

1. Employers tend to have a little more time to look through CV’s – as we all tend to start the new year off right getting on top of projects and incorporating time management, those hiring for new positions tend to do the same.

2. Building Teams – Employers tend to look for new talent that they can bring into their teams looking for those that can help achieve new targets and goals they set at the start of the year!

3. New Year New You – it might be cliche but it is true. The new year often brings a new sense of development and personal goals, meaning you are more likely to actively look for roles that suit your career experience and progression.

Here at Haughey Recruitment we are at the heart of matching clients and candidates in order to create innovative teams around the world. 

If you find yourself looking for that next big opportunity or wish to make a strategic hire – why not reach out to one of our specialists today?!


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